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Worked up to 2x 170kg/375lb singles today after 167.5 felt too light. RPE 8.5. On track to hit 175-180kg at the Powerhouse open on November 14th. Finished off with 3x220kg deadlift singles and a set of 10x180kg. #powerlifting #ipf #nzpowerlifting #getstrength #vsco #vscocam #skwaats #furiouspete #snapnation #gym #dyel #teambg #1000lbs #1000lbclub #1000lbsclub #massthetics #deadlifts #getstrength #alphaclothing #virusclothing #fit #fitspo #fitnessaddict #getstrengthgym #teamgetstrength #squat #squats
Tagged: fitnessaddict ipf teamgetstrength squats gym getstrengthgym teambg 1000lbsclub deadlifts fitspo vsco alphaclothing virusclothing squat dyel fit 1000lbclub 1000lbs getstrength nzpowerlifting massthetics skwaats furiouspete snapnation vscocam powerliftingaphinity