Felt like utter crap before this. Took me 3 tries/set

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Felt like utter crap before this. Took me 3 tries/set ups to get 200kg off the ground. Paced around for a bit, got my head into it, thought angry thoughts and smashed 3×227.5KG/500LB doubles. Set 2 shown. On track to pull at least 245kg/540lb in comp. testing deadlift next Thursday. 77kg bodyweight here. #powerlifting #ipf #nzpowerlifting #getstrength #vsco #vscocam #skwaats #furiouspete #snapnation #gym #dyel #teambg #1000lbs #1000lbclub #1000lbsclub #massthetics #deadlifts #getstrength #alphaclothing #virusclothing #fit #fitspo #fitnessaddict #getstrengthgym #teamgetstrength #deadlifting #deadlift #500lb #500lbs

Felt like utter crap before this. Took me 3 tries/set ups to get 200kg off the ground. Paced around for a bit, got my head into it, thought angry thoughts and smashed 3x227.5KG/500LB doubles. Set 2 shown. On track to pull at least 245kg/540lb in comp. testing deadlift next Thursday. 77kg bodyweight here.

Tagged: fitnessaddict ipf teamgetstrength 500lbs gym getstrengthgym teambg 1000lbsclub deadlifts deadlifting fitspo vsco alphaclothing virusclothing dyel fit 1000lbclub 1000lbs getstrength deadlift nzpowerlifting massthetics 500lb skwaats furiouspete snapnation vscocam powerliftingaphinity

Join the Getstrength Team Gym, Penrose Auckland New Zealand