Top set of 215kg/474LB tonight for a triple, Felt like

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Top set of 215kg/474LB tonight for a triple, Felt like an RPE8 if I had slowed it down and set up instead of just ripping them all. Auckland champs on 1-3 April. Lifting on the 2nd at 2pm. 250 DL incoming. Rocking the new #teamgetstrength tee, first year competing under the team. #powerlifting #ipf #nzpowerlifting #vsco #vscocam #gym #dyel #massthetics #deadlifts #getstrength #alphaclothing #virusclothing #fit #fitspo #getstrengthgym #deadlift #deadlifthero #eleiko

Top set of 215kg/474LB tonight for a triple, Felt like an RPE8 if I had slowed it down and set up instead of just ripping them all. Auckland champs on 1-3 April. Lifting on the 2nd at 2pm. 250 DL incoming. Rocking the new tee, first year competing under the team.
Tagged: ipf fitspo gym getstrengthgym eleiko teamgetstrength deadlifts alphaclothing vsco deadlifthero virusclothing fit dyel getstrength deadlift nzpowerlifting massthetics vscocam powerliftingaphinity

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