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165kg/364lb singles today before back off sets and singles of bench and deads. Triples at 155kg in 2 days. Moving smooth. Cheers @destamoon @keithmillerhimself and girlhair for the spots. Also a sneaky Eric Helms in the background. #ipf #nzpowerlifting #getstrength #vsco #vscocam #skwaats #furiouspete #snapnation #gym #dyel #teambg #1000lbs #1000lbclub #1000lbsclub #massthetics #deadlifts #getstrength #alphaclothing #virusclothing #fit #fitspo #fitnessaddict #getstrengthgym #teamgetstrength
Tagged: fitnessaddict ipf teamgetstrength gym getstrengthgym teambg 1000lbsclub deadlifts alphaclothing vsco fitspo virusclothing dyel fit 1000lbclub 1000lbs getstrength nzpowerlifting massthetics skwaats furiouspete snapnation vscocamaphinity