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Aaand my 500lb squat (227.5kg) from Saturday. 7.5kg pb feeling nice. Gotta strengthen up that poor right glute, right babe? #whateverittakes #5percenters #nfsunderground2 #perfectionorafk #boyswhoshift #boyswholift #guyswholift #squat #atgkappa #getstrengthgym #getstrength #powerlifting #titan #idontevenprogram #uwotm8 #glutes #juicy #teamdtf #sbd #93kg #105kg #ipf #nzpf
Tagged: nzpf nfsunderground2 ipf boyswholift 93kg titan guyswholift juicy getstrengthgym sbd glutes uwotm8 105kg whateverittakes squat perfectionorafk teamdtf atgkappa getstrength idontevenprogram boyswhoshift 5percenters powerliftingwrotthweiler