150kg/330 lbs paused bench today. Finally feel like I’m escaping

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150kg/330 lbs paused bench today. Finally feel like I’m escaping #povertybench #dadbodondisplay @keithmillerhimself #benchpress #howmuchyabench #powerlifter #powerlifting #powerbuilding #sbd #titan #woooooo #bänkpress #pause #crotchshot #destamoontrainingfilosophies #bodybuilding #archpls #boyswholift

150kg/330 lbs paused bench today. Finally feel like I'm escaping @keithmillerhimself

Tagged: bänkpress boyswholift titan getstrengthgym woooooo dadbodondisplay sbd bodybuilding destamoontrainingfilosophies pause benchpress howmuchyabench getstrength powerlifter powerbuilding archpls crotchshot povertybench powerliftingwrotthweiler

Join the Getstrength Team Gym, Penrose Auckland New Zealand