@aucklandstrongmanseries Paxton demonstrates his dance skills with TV Host Hayley

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@aucklandstrongmanseries Paxton demonstrates his dance skills with TV Host Hayley from @crowdgoeswildnz Da Crowd Goes Wild on Prime TV. Paxton and @xkingdilla were chucking her around like a Toy. Lol #ironwill #Otahuhu #AucklandStrongmanSeries #getstrengthgym

@aucklandstrongmanseries Paxton demonstrates his dance skills with TV Host Hayley from @crowdgoeswildnz Da Crowd Goes Wild on Prime TV. Paxton and @xkingdilla were chucking her around like a Toy. Lol

Tagged: ironwill aucklandstrongmanseries getstrengthgym otahuhuironwilltrainingnz

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